Posted by unknow in Google on 2009年8月27日
作用: 通过特殊的搜索引擎,你可以在网上找到你想购物的网站位置。以及你可以很方便的搜索出同类产品的价格。
作用:一个小玩具,适合那些连鼠标都懒得动的懒人。当你在google上找到了查询结果后,你可以使用google viewer让结果以自己定义的间隔时间来一条一条自动滚屏。
作用:给google打一个电话,说出你要查找的内容,然后google会把你要查询的结果显示出来。 给不识字的人用的
首先打开Google,在关键词输入框中输入""index of/"inurl:lib",选择"搜索简体中文网页"选项,回车搜索,得到了一些网页,不要以为这是一些普通的页面,其实它们是一些图书网站的资源列表,点击打开它来看看,怎么样?是不是所有资源一收眼底了?
在搜索框上输入:""index of /"cnki"
在搜索框上输入:""index of /" ppt"
在搜索框上输入:""index of /"mp3″
在搜索框上输入:""index of /"swf "
在搜索框上输入:""index of /""加上要下载的软件名
在搜索框上输入:""index of /"AVI"
到这里,大家也许都明白了,其实就是""index of /""这个关键词在起的作用,使用它可以直接进入网站首页下的所有文件和文件夹中,不必在通过HTTP的网页形式了,从而避免了那些网站的限制,作到了突破限制下载。
作者: kenny658
其实早应该发出来的,国内关于google技巧方面的整理,我大概算是最早一批人吧,后来sniper都写了google hack,就更懒的发了。如今帮老婆找论文,关键字匹配累的要死。这些技巧是我整理以后淘汰的后的,最好的那些如有兴趣可以找我直接索取
By swap
进去可以选择www和, 当然再选我们要的站内搜索哦!
foo1 foo2 (也就是关联,比如搜索xx公司 xx美女)
filetype:123 类型 相对直接看网站更有意思,可以得到许多意外的信息
intitle: fooltitle 标题哦
allinurl:foo 搜索xx网站的所有相关连接。(踩点必备)
links:foo 不要说就知道是它的相关链接
我们可以辅助"-" "+"来调整搜索的精确程度
"index of" htpasswd / passwd
filetype:xls username password email
allinurl:admin mdb
service filetype:pwd ….或者某个比如pcanywhere的密码后缀cif等
"robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype:txt
inurl:_vti_cnf (FrontPage的关键索引啦,扫描器的CGI库一般都有地)
allinurl: /msadc/Samples/selector/showcode.asp
intitle:index of /admin
inurl: 5800(vnc的端口)或者desktop port等多个关键字检索
webmin port 10000
intext:Powered by GBook365
intitle:"php shell*" "Enable stderr" filetype:php 直接搜索到phpwebshell filetype:inc
ipsec filetype:conf
intilte:"error occurred" ODBC request WHERE (select|insert) 说白了就是说,可以直接试着查查数据库检索,针对目前流行的sql注射,会发达哦
intitle:"php shell*" "Enable stderr" filetype:php
"Dumping data for table" username password
intitle:"Error using Hypernews"
"Server Software"
filetype:.doc classified 直接搜索军方相关word
intitle:config confixx login password
"" nessus report
"report generated by"
特别推荐:administrator users 等相关的东西,比如名字,生日等……最惨也可以拿来做字典嘛
先找找网站的管理后台地址: intext:管理 inurl:login intitle:管理 inurl:file inurl:load intext:ftp://*:* filetype:asp //得到N个二级域名 intext:* //得到N个邮件地址,还有邮箱的主人的名字什么的 intext:电话 //N个电话
intitle:"index of" etc
intitle:"Index of" .sh_history
intitle:"Index of" .bash_history
intitle:"index of" passwd
intitle:"index of" people.lst
intitle:"index of" pwd.db
intitle:"index of" etc/shadow
intitle:"index of" spwd
intitle:"index of" master.passwd
intitle:"index of" htpasswd
"# -FrontPage-" inurl:service.pwd
allinurl:bbs data
filetype:mdb inurl:database
filetype:inc conn
inurl:data filetype:mdb
intitle:"index of" data
3) "http://*:*@www" domainname 找一些ISP站点,可以查对方ip的虚拟主机
4) auth_user_file.txt 不实用了,太老了
5) The Master List 寻找邮件列表的
6) intitle:"" 一种特殊的管理系统,默认开放端口90
7) passlist.txt (a better way) 字典
"A syntax error has occurred" filetype:ihtml
9) ext:php program_listing intitle:MythWeb.Program.Listing
10) intitle:index.of abyss.conf
11)ext:nbe nbe
12)intitle:"SWW link" "Please wait….."
14) intitle:"Freifunk.Net – Status"
15) intitle:"WorldClient" intext:"? (2003|2004) Alt-N Technologies."
17) intitle:open-xchange
20) intitle:"site administration: please log in" "site designed by emarketsouth"
21) ORA-00921: unexpected end of SQL command
22)intitle:"YALA: Yet Another LDAP Administrator"
23) phpqladmin "Please login" -cvsweb
24)intitle:"SWW link" "Please wait….."
25)inurl:"port_255″ -htm
27)intitle:"WorldClient" intext:"? (2003|2004) Alt-N Technologies."
ext:php program_listing intitle:MythWeb.Program.Listing
inurl:preferences.ini "[emule]"
intitle:"Index of /CFIDE/" administrator
"access denied for user" "using password"
ext:php intext:"Powered by phpNewMan Version" 可以看到:path/to/news/browse.php?clang=../../../../../../file/i/want
intitle:"ASP FileMan" Resend
"Enter ip" inurl:"php-ping.php"
ext:conf inurl:rsyncd.conf -cvs -man
intitle: private, protected, secret, secure, winnt
intitle:"DocuShare" inurl:"docushare/dsweb/" -faq -gov -edu
"#mysql dump" filetype:sql
"allow_call_time_pass_reference" "PATH_INFO"
"Certificate Practice Statement" inurl:(PDF | DOC)
LeapFTP intitle:"index.of./" sites.ini modified
mysql history files
NickServ registration passwords
passlist.txt (a better way)
passwd / etc (reliable)
psyBNC config files
signin filetype:url
spwd.db / passwd
wwwboard WebAdmin inurl:passwd.txt wwwboard|webadmin
"# -FrontPage-" ext:pwd inurl:(service | authors | administrators | users) "# -FrontPage-"
"AutoCreate=TRUE password=*"
"http://*:*@www" domainname
"index of/" "ws_ftp.ini" "parent directory"
"liveice configuration file" ext:cfg
"powered by ducalendar"
"Powered by Duclassified"
"Powered by Duclassified" "DUware All Rights reserved"
"powered by duclassmate"
"Powered by Dudirectory"
"powered by dudownload"
"Powered By Elite Forum Version *.*"
"Powered by Link Department"
"sets mode: +k"
"Powered by DUpaypal"
allinurl: admin mdb
eggdrop filetype:user user
etc (index.of)
ext:ini eudora.ini
ext:ini Version=… password
ext:txt inurl:unattend.txt
filetype:bak inurl:"htaccess|passwd|shadow|htusers"
filetype:cfg mrtg "target[*]" -sample -cvs -example
filetype:cfm "cfapplication name" password
filetype:conf oekakibbs
filetype:conf sc_serv.conf
filetype:conf slapd.conf
filetype:config config intext:appSettings "User ID"
filetype:dat "password.dat"
filetype:dat wand.dat
filetype:inc dbconn
filetype:inc intext:mysql_connect
filetype:inc mysql_connect OR mysql_pconnect
filetype:inf sysprep
filetype:ini inurl:"serv-u.ini"
filetype:ini inurl:flashFXP.ini
filetype:ini ServUDaemon
filetype:ini wcx_ftp
filetype:ini ws_ftp pwd
filetype:ldb admin
filetype:log "See `ipsec copyright"
filetype:log inurl:"password.log"
filetype:mdb inurl:users.mdb
filetype:mdb wwforum
filetype:netrc password
filetype:pass pass intext:userid
filetype:pem intext:private
filetype:properties inurl:db intext:password
filetype:pwd service
filetype:pwl pwl
filetype:reg reg +intext:"defaultusername" +intext:"defaultpassword"
filetype:sql ("values * MD" | "values * password" | "values * encrypt")
filetype:sql ("passwd values" | "password values" | "pass values" )
filetype:sql +"IDENTIFIED BY" -cvs
filetype:sql password
filetype:url +inurl:"ftp://" +inurl:";@"
filetype:xls username password email
htpasswd / htgroup
htpasswd / htpasswd.bak
intext:"enable secret $"
intext:"powered by Web Wiz Journal"
intitle:"index of"
intitle:"index of"
intitle:"Index of" passwords modified
intitle:dupics inurl:(add.asp | default.asp | view.asp | voting.asp)
intitle:index.of intext:"secring.skr"|"secring.pgp"|"secring.bak"
inurl:"GRC.DAT" intext:"password"
inurl:"slapd.conf" intext:"credentials" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
inurl:"slapd.conf" intext:"rootpw" -manpage -"Manual Page" -man: -sample
inurl:"wvdial.conf" intext:"password"
inurl:chap-secrets -cvs
inurl:config.php dbuname dbpass
inurl:filezilla.xml -cvs
inurl:lilo.conf filetype:conf password -tatercounter -bootpwd -man
inurl:nuke filetype:sql
inurl:ospfd.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download 路由配置
inurl:pap-secrets -cvs
inurl:perform filetype:ini
inurl:secring ext:skr | ext:pgp | ext:bak
inurl:vtund.conf intext:pass -cvs
inurl:zebra.conf intext:password -sample -test -tutorial -download
"Generated by phpSystem"
"generated by wwwstat"
"Host Vulnerability Summary Report" ]
"HTTP_FROM=googlebot" "Server_Software="
"Index of" / "chat/logs" 聊天室
"Installed Objects Scanner" inurl:default.asp
"Mecury Version" "Infastructure Group"
"Microsoft (R) Windows * ™ Version * DrWtsn Copyright (C)" ext:log
"Most Submitted Forms and Scripts" "this section"
"Network Vulnerability Assessment Report"
"not for distribution" confidential
"phone * * *" "address *" "e-mail" intitle:"curriculum vitae"
"phpMyAdmin" "running on" inurl:"main.php"
"produced by getstats"
"Request Details" "Control Tree" "Server Variables"
"robots.txt" "Disallow:" filetype:txt
"Running in Child mode"
"sets mode: +p"
"sets mode: +s"
"Thank you for your order" +receipt
"This is a Shareaza Node"
"This report was generated by WebLog"
( filetype:mail | filetype:eml | filetype:mbox | filetype:mbx ) intext:password|subject
(inurl:"robot.txt" | inurl:"robots.txt" ) intext:disallow filetype:txt -"The PHP Group" inurl:source inurl:url ext:pHp
AIM buddy lists
data filetype:mdb -site:gov -site:mil
exported email addresses
ext:asp inurl:pathto.asp
ext:cgi inurl:editcgi.cgi inurl:file=
ext:conf inurl:rsyncd.conf -cvs -man
ext:conf NoCatAuth -cvs
ext:dat bpk.dat
ext:gho gho
ext:ini intext:env.ini
ext:ldif ldif
ext:log "Software: Microsoft Internet Information Services *.*"
ext:mdb inurl:*.mdb inurl:fpdb shop.mdb
filetype:bkf bkf
filetype:blt "buddylist"
filetype:blt blt +intext:screenname
filetype:cfg auto_inst.cfg
filetype:conf inurl:firewall -intitle:cvs
filetype:config web.config -CVS
filetype:ctt ctt messenger
filetype:fp fp
filetype:fp fp -site:gov -site:mil -"cvs log"
filetype:inf inurl:capolicy.inf
filetype:lic lic intext:key
filetype:myd myd -CVS
filetype:ns ns
filetype:ora ora
filetype:ora tnsnames
filetype:pdb pdb backup (Pilot | Pluckerdb)
filetype:pot inurl:john.pot
filetype:pst inurl:"outlook.pst"
filetype:pst pst -from -to -date
filetype:qbb qbb
filetype:rdp rdp
filetype:reg "Terminal Server Client"
filetype:vcs vcs
filetype:wab wab
filetype:xls -site:gov inurl:contact
filetype:xls inurl:"email.xls"
Financial spreadsheets: finance.xls
Financial spreadsheets: finances.xls
Ganglia Cluster Reports
haccess.ctl (one way)
haccess.ctl (VERY reliable)
ICQ chat logs, please…
iletype:log cron.log
intext:"Session Start * * * *:*:* *" filetype:log
intext:"Tobias Oetiker" "traffic analysis"
intext:(password | passcode) intext:(username | userid | user) filetype:csv
intext:gmail invite intext:
intext:SQLiteManager inurl:main.php
intitle:"Apache::Status" (inurl:server-status | inurl:status.html | inurl:apache.html)
intitle:"AppServ Open Project"
intitle:"ASP Stats Generator *.*" "ASP Stats Generator" "- weppos"
intitle:"FTP root at"
intitle:"index of" +myd size
intitle:"Index Of" -inurl:maillog maillog size
intitle:"Index Of" cookies.txt size
intitle:"index of" mysql.conf OR mysql_config
intitle:"Index of" upload size parent directory
intitle:"index.of" .diz .nfo last modified
intitle:"Multimon UPS status page"
intitle:"PHP Advanced Transfer" (inurl:index.php | inurl:showrecent.php )
intitle:"PhpMyExplorer" inurl:"index.php" -cvs
intitle:"statistics of" "advanced web statistics"
intitle:"System Statistics" +"System and Network Information Center"
intitle:"Usage Statistics for" "Generated by Webalizer"
intitle:"wbem" compaq login "Compaq Information Technologies Group"
intitle:"Web Server Statistics for ****"
intitle:"web server status" SSH Telnet
intitle:admin intitle:login
intitle:index.of "Apache" "server at"
intitle:index.of cleanup.log
intitle:index.of dead.letter
intitle:index.of inbox
intitle:index.of inbox dbx
intitle:intranet inurl:intranet +intext:"phone"
inurl:"/axs/" -script
inurl:"cacti" +inurl:"graph_view.php" +"Settings Tree View" -cvs -RPM
inurl:"newsletter/admin/" intitle:"newsletter admin"
inurl:"smb.conf" intext:"workgroup" filetype:conf conf
Welcome to ntop!
"adding new user" inurl:addnewuser -"there are no domains"
(inurl:/cgi-bin/.cobalt/) | (intext:"Welcome to the Cobalt RaQ")
filetype:php HAXPLORER "Server Files Browser"
intitle:"Web Data Administrator – Login"
inurl:ConnectComputer/precheck.htm | inurl:Remote/logon.aspx
PHP Shell (unprotected)
PHPKonsole PHPShell filetype:php -echo
Public PHP FileManagers
"index of" / picasa.ini
"index of" inurl:recycler
"Index of" rar r nfo Modified
"intitle:Index.Of /" stats merchant cgi-* etc
"Powered by Invision Power File Manager" (inurl:login.php) | (intitle:"Browsing directory /" )
"Web File Browser" "Use regular expression"
filetype:ini Desktop.ini intext:mydocs.dll
intext:"d.aspx?id" || inurl:"d.aspx?id"
intext:"Powered By: TotalIndex" intitle:"TotalIndex"
intitle:"album permissions" "Users who can modify photos" "EVERYBODY"
intitle:"Directory Listing For" intext:Tomcat -intitle:Tomcat
intitle:"HFS /" +"HttpFileServer"
intitle:"Index of *" inurl:"my shared folder" size modified
"File Upload Manager v." "rename to"
ext:asp "powered by DUForum" inurl:(messages|details|login|default|register)
ext:asp inurl:DUgallery intitle:"."
ext:cgi inurl:ubb_test
ezBOO "Administrator Panel" -cvs
filetype:cgi inurl:cachemgr.cgi
filetype:cnf my.cnf -cvs -example
filetype:inc inc intext:setcookie
filetype:php inurl:"viewfile" -"index.php" -"idfil
filetype:wsdl wsdl
intitle:"ASP FileMan" Resend
intitle:"Index of /" modified php.exe
intitle:"phpremoteview" filetype:php "Name, Size, Type, Modify"
inurl:" WWWADMIN.PL" intitle:"wwwadmin"
inurl:"nph-proxy.cgi" "Start browsing through this CGI-based proxy"
inurl:robpoll.cgi filetype:cgi
The Master List
"More Info about MetaCart Free"
This entry was posted on 2009年8月27日 at 下午9:51 and is filed under Google. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.
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